第160章 循环失忆ABO

作者: 儿不弃

  吃完晚饭,夏唯安便拿起笔记本电脑准备一个跨国的视频会议。鹿晗则坐在旁边看着顺便作指导。“Now report this year's work(现在汇报今年的工作).”夏唯安靠在座椅上开口道。“summer total,the British side of the company's growth is three percent higher than in previous years.(夏总,英国这边分公司的增长比往年高了百分之三。).”视频电话那头一个英国人说。夏唯安切换到下一个视频。“summer total,JK people have come to the company over the past few days,saying that they do not resume the operation of the company to sue us.(夏总,JK的人这几天一直来公司,说不恢复他们公司运营就要告我们。).”夏唯安挑了挑眉,看向鹿晗边伯贤和朴灿烈他们,戏谑的开口说:“I don't believe that they have so much ability(我不相信他们有这么大的能耐。).”

  边伯贤也冷冷的笑了笑,开口道:“I did not expect their life is still very large,so toss can not die(没想到他们命还挺大,这么折腾都死不了。).”坐在朴灿烈旁边的白子艾不禁惊讶的想:这英语水平真高……我修的就是外语专业,居然还有很多没听懂……。想着想着还无奈的摇摇头。

  “Then that……what to do next(那……接下来该怎么做?)?”视频那头的人冷静的开口问道。“what's your opinion?How to do before how to do this(你觉得呢?以前怎么做这次就怎么做。).”夏唯安的手指有节奏的在桌子上轻敲着。“Is there anything else to report(还有什么要汇报的吗?)?”夏唯安喝了一口杯里的红酒,开口问。

  “That……Edge group,deer group and park group to inject one billion and three hu......


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